Bench Invitation

Bench Invitation

A party club last week had an unexpected visitor. This party club host had CEF party clubs several times in the past year. She knew they were an opportunity for her to share the gospel with her neighborhood community. The club shared about God’s love and what Jesus did on the cross through an exciting

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Guide Retreat Fall 2020

Guide Retreat Fall 2020

      On the first weekend of October, we sent one of our full-time staff members and our intern to Guide Retreat. They went to Guide Retreat; a retreat at CEF international headquarters in Warrenton Missouri. The goal of this retreat is to show prospective supporters and interns what CEF is and guides participants

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Meet The Intern

Meet The Intern

We are so excited to be welcoming on our 2020-2021 intern Matthew Nagle. CEF ministry could not happen without the many hands hard at work and interns are a key part of our team. Each year we have been blessed to welcome Summer Interns, but this year CEF Chicago took on Matthew into our re-vamped

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Meet The Team

Meet The Team

We are excited to announce that our Meet the Team campaign has begun. Each month we will be introducing you to one of our amazing CEF Chicago staff members along with how you can be specifically praying for them. This month is Stephanie Anderson, one of our newest team members. Stephanie Anderson – CEF Chicago

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Reaching Urban Kids for Christ

Reaching Urban Kids for Christ

Happy Independence Day! We have much to celebrate in our country and in the ministry. For 23 months, Chicago CEF prayed, worked, and waited to make the HUB dream a reality, and now it is! Chicago CEF now owns the property on 12th & Madison that we call the Housing Urban Ministry Building, or HUB

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The City that Prays Together

The City that Prays Together

God is moving in the Village of Maywood. The current Mayor of Maywood is a strong Christian woman, and today she called the village together to pray. She instructed the police to block off the street in front of her office, put up a podium with a microphone in the middle of the street and invited

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In Case You Forgot. . .

In Case You Forgot. . .

There are over 1,100 elementary schools, and 1.1 million children in Cook and DuPage Counties, and most of them haven’t heard the Gospel. Chicago CEF’s goal is to help those children be introduced to Christ, taught to follow Him, and get into a great local church. However, that is an unrealistic goal for the size

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Emma’s Story

Emma’s Story

Emma is a 5-Day Club teacher, having gone through CYIA for three years. She graciously has shared her first 5-Day Club experience of the summer with us. Emma writes: “On the three minute ride to 5-day-club, I felt nothing but exhaustion and discouragement. The previous day’s club had been, well, not exactly ideal. The children

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Celebrating What God Has Done

Celebrating What God Has Done

God is at work in reaching the world’s children with the Gospel! Last week was Child Evangelism Fellowship’s International Conference. It was amazing to be with 1,100 other CEF missionaries from around the world. Chicago Child Evangelism Fellowship is reaching children with the Good News of Jesus in Cook and DuPage counties...

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Christ is the Only One Who Brings Joy

Christ is the Only One Who Brings Joy

During Christmas there is much talk about joy, and “Christmas Spirit”. There is some vague idea that you should conjure up some great memories, make some hot chocolate, go throw a snowball, and voila! You have the “Christmas Spirit”. If that does’t work to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, then you...

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