God’s Timing is Perfect

In the month of April, CEF of Chicago hosted an Easter Party club in a Melrose Park church. About 10 kids attended. We learned that God was making divine appointments before and after the Party Club. A CEF Chicago missionary was asked by a leader from the church about housing for a family in serious need of  a new place to live. The leader explained to that this family of 5 was living in a single bedroom basement unit and they could no longer take the sleepless nights because of their neighbor who would play loud music and party late into the night.

They looked for a different place to live but kept running into dead ends. It was God’s timing that the building right across from the HUB was finishing up renovations in an apartment unit that had previously been on fire. The family’s two little girls attended the party club and We were able to connect with the girls’ parents and hear about their dilemma. They even added that if they could not find a place to live soon they would have to move back to Mexico and leave their church family.

Praise the Lord that it worked out that the family could move into a fully renovated 2 bedroom apartment and the two little girls are now able to attend the HUB Good News Club® held right across from their home in the Ministry Center. Only God is able to make things line up in His perfect timing! He provides everything we need!
