90 Students

    The Gospel has been taught freely in public schools all over the world for some time. In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Good News Clubs vs. Milford Central School that Good News Clubs can meet in public schools in the United States after school hours on the same terms as other community groups. The photo above is from one of the many Good News Clubs held in the Chicago-land area. Cather Elementary School that has been meeting for the past 11 years. Mrs. Johnson started the club and was first introduced to CEF at her local church. “God had placed the children in my school on my heart and when Child Evangelism Fellowship flashed up on the screen at church, I knew that was the next step.”

      “It was chaotic and loud.” she shared thinking back to the very first club. They had to share the already tight classroom with another after school group. Advertising weeks in advance by posting flyers announcing “It’s Coming” and “It’s Almost Here!” getting kids excited to find out what it was they were anxiously waiting for. Little did the Good News Club teachers know that over 90 students would show up to hear about the Good News Club and hear the Gospel.

     Mrs. Johnson remembers splitting the students into groups. God had placed sin on her heart so she remembered asked the kids if they knew what the definition of sin was. The surprise on her face as she recounted asking the group about sin and the realization that they not only knew what sin was but their confessions shocked her. Thoughts of suicide and murdering family members were just two of the heavy topics these 3rd through 5th graders shared they had been struggling with. Mrs. Johnson shared the Gospel with her group, in that loud and crowded room. “I went home that night and couldn’t fall asleep.” she shared. “My heart was heavy and burdened for these kids that were so young yet going through such heavy circumstances”

     Would you support CEF as we bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ into public schools just like Cather Elementary? Children struggle with sin just as much as an adults do, but we know that the 4-14 window is small.  Partner with CEF financially and prayerfully today as we reach the unreached with the good news of Jesus Christ.