What Better Person?

She was absolutely terrified, and with good reason. This little girl had grown up in another country where she encountered witch doctors, fierce guerrilla soldiers, and a turbulent family life. As we discussed sin in our Bible lesson, she cringed in her seat, fear spreading across her face. This little girl knew firsthand about sin’s devastation. But when the Bible lesson finished for the day, she met me at the back of the classroom. “I want Jesus to take away my sins,” she whispered. Five other children clustered around, eager to talk about sin—and my heart broke for this little girl as I saw her terror mounting. But she stuck with the conversation, determined to get to know God. The next day after club, she came back with more questions. “I’m still scared. Why does God let bad things happen?” I looked into her dark eyes and wished I had easy answers. Instead, I opened my Bible to First John. “The Bible says that God is love, and that perfect love casts out, or drives away, all fear. If you meant it yesterday when you believed in Jesus to take away your sins, then you are God’s beautiful, priceless daughter, and no matter what happens, He will always be with you.” I flipped to Psalm 139. “You are still getting to know God, but He knows every little detail about you. He even knows your favourite color and what you had for breakfast this morning! He also knows what you’re afraid of, and He will never leave you.” Her worry lines relaxed.

She came to Bible club every week. “Show me verses about God’s love. What verses can I read when I’m scared at night?” We talked about fear every week after club, but after a few months, she seemed to have fewer questions and more frequent smiles. Once I even noticed a giggle. Then came the wonderful day when she was giggling so much I had to gently remind her to pay attention through club. God is the great Restorer of broken souls!

She got to know God—the best Counselor, the only One Who can perfectly meet her needs, Who already knows her story and can drive away her fear. What better Person could she ever get to know?